I began my photographic journey in 1974, at the ripe old age of 20. At that time, I was in the US Army and the US had began pulling out of Vietnam. I was stationed at Ramasoon Station, a small base south of Udorn, Thailand. It was at that time I purchased my first 35 mm camera, a Canon F-1 and a few lenses. I took two college courses with the University of Maryland while there and was hooked. Some time later, I was transferred to Berlin, Germany. While there, I purchased my second camera, a Canon AE-1. It had a built in light meter and was quite the step up. I still have both cameras and still shoot film on occasion.

As happens, life took over after I got out of the Army. I got busy making a living. Photography ultimately took a backseat. Many years later, in 2015, I came back to photography thanks to a close friend. The principles haven't changed, but boy have the tools. In some ways, our lives have gotten much easier. In others, one could argue, things have gotten more difficult. As with everything, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Back in the day, we had to pay attention. Every time we snaped the shutter, it cost money. Now days, not so much. Yes, we have to purchase the camera equipment. However, after that, one shot or two thousand, we're not out of pocket any more money. So, we snap away and often forget the fundamentals. The hard part is to slow down and pay attention. Slow down and think. A lesson any serious photographer ultimately learns.

I currently live Lake Charles, Louisiana and, for the most part, am a Wildlife Photographer. Lake Charles is a small city in Southwest Louisiana about forty miles from the Texas state line and about forty miles from the Gulf. Its location parks it smack in the middle of the Central and Mississippi Flyways. As such, we here are blessed with the full flow of spring and fall migratory species. We even get the Monarch Butterflies. So, you will see quite a few different species here on this website.

While I am mostly a Wildlife Photographer, I also dabble in most other types of Photography. From Astro Photography to Macro, you're likely to find it within these pages. I hope you enjoy my images as much as I've enjoyed my many hours of shooting and processing them. If you would like to have prints, they are available for purchase on this site. Feel free to drop me a note if you have any questions.